Intersanity Product Codes

Significant projects managed by Scott Bradford and organizations associated with him are identified with an Intersanity Product Code (IPC).

The IPC for this website is IELT-00009-BA02. The meaning of the code is:

  • Prefix: IE (Intersanity)
  • Type: L (limited/private)
  • Group: T (technology)
  • Project Code: 00009
  • Variant 1: B
  • Variant 2: A
  • Revision: 02


The prefix identifies the brand or organization under which the project is being developed.

  • ET:
  • IE: Intersanity Enterprises
  • JD: JDyne Technologies (inactive)
  • SB: Scott Bradford CE
  • (additional private codes)


The type indicates the purpose of the project or for whom it is being developed.

  • B: business sales
  • C: custom/contract
  • F: free
  • L: limited/private
  • O: open source
  • P: prototype
  • R: research
  • S: public sales


The group indicates the category of the project.

  • A: automotive
  • G: general goods
  • M: music
  • P: publishing
  • S: software
  • T: technology
  • V: film/video
  • Z: other

Project Code

The project code is a unique five-digit identifier for the project. The first project assigned an IPC was assigned 00001, and new projects are assigned the next available number at the time they are initiated.

Variants & Revisions

Each release or significant version of a project is assigned a four-character code. The first is assigned AA01. The code is composed of three segments:

  • Variant 1: Single character, starting at A
  • Variant 2: Single character, starting at A
  • Revision: Two-digit number, starting at 01

The method of assigning variants and revisions differs from project to project. In some cases, multiple variants are developed in parallel – for example, a software project being developed for both Windows and MacOS could have its first release for Windows labeled AA01 and its first release for MacOS labeled AB01, and both variants would progress through their revisions together.

There is a theoretical maximum of 676 variants per project (26 * 26) and 99 revisions per variant. If a project were to “max out,” it could be reassigned a new project code. If it became likely that many projects were going to “max out,” the codes could be modified to include a third level of variants, include three-digit revisions, or both.