Commit Writer – Releases

1.0 Beta

  • 1.0.0b2: Second beta release (December 19, 2023) – Downloads
    • Support for light and dark modes on all supported platforms. In the settings you can choose “System” (follow operating system settings), “Light,” or “Dark” modes. You can also choose a different theme when you’re in “Full Screen” mode.
    • Major improvements to the “Full Screen” mode, including an aspect ratio setting, access to a limited application menu, and a clear indication of saved/unsaved status.
    • Support for file metadata; the CTXT format and the Commit application now store “Title,” “Author,” “Subject,” “Description,” and “Keywords” information, as well as the document’s creation date and the last-saved date.
    • Major improvements to the status bar at the bottom of the screen. It now shows saved/unsaved status (in “Full Screen” mode), total committed words, words committed in this session, and additional utility icons. The status bar can also be toggled on or off in the settings.
    • Multiple improvements to packaging and distribution:
      • Windows: Installer has been updated with improved theming, options to reset settings, and to launch after installation.
      • MacOS: Now distributed as a DMG disk image that is much prettier and consistent with how other applications are typically distributed. There is also a tool on the DMG image to reset the application settings.
      • Linux: We’re now offering an RPM package for Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, and other RPM-based distributions. The Flatpak and DEB packages also remain available. (A Pacman package for Arch and related distributions is planned for the next release.)
    • CTXT files will now be handled properly by many system previewers, including Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder (via quick-look).
    • When performing an import, if the file type cannot be determined the user will be prompted to select a file type, and it will be attempted.
    • Some debugging tools can be enabled with CTRL-ALT-D (Windows and Linux) or CMD-SHIFT-D (MacOS).
    • Several bugs discovered in Beta 1 have been fixed:
      • Unable to reset settings using the “Reset” button in the settings window.
      • Incorrect icon shown when opening the DEB package in Qapt.
      • Toolbar icons selected incorrectly in some Linux distributions.
  • 1.0.0b1: First beta release (February 20, 2023) – Downloads
    • Multi-window support. The app is mainly oriented toward working with one file at a time, but now it won’t crash or go crazy or do super weird things if you open more than one.
    • Export-to-clipboard. File>Export now includes options to export to files (in various formats) or to the clipboard. Default clipboard format is HTML, which is well supported by most word processors and content management systems.
    • Improvements to behavior when resizing windows if you are scrolled near the bottom of the committed text.
    • The “Edit” menu now logically enables or disables options based on what can actually done in the text field you are currently working with.
    • On Windows, the installer and uninstaller are much improved.
    • On Mac, the application is now distributed as a DMG disk image.
    • A whole ton of little bugfixes, improvements, and refinements.

1.0 Alpha

  • 1.0.0a2: Second alpha release (December 19, 2022) – Downloads
    • General bug fixes and improvements
    • Add Linux Flatpak distribution package
  • 1.0.0a1: First alpha release (December 1, 2022) – Downloads
    • Initial testing release