The advanced modern typewriter by Intersanity Enterprises
- Scott Bradford (lead)
Languages and Libraries:
- Python (programming language)
- wxPython (cross-platform GUI toolkit)
- AppDirs (find proper directories)
- PyYAML (parse metadata)
File Conversion
- Beautiful Soup (HTML conversion)
- Pandoc (document conversion tool)
- PyPandoc (Python integration with Pandoc)
- Python-Markdown (Markdown conversion)
- py2app (packaging for Mac)
- py2exe, NSIS, and NSIS LockedList (packaging for Windows)
- Dpkg, Flatpak, and rpmbuild (packaging for Linux)
- Commit icons and splash screen by Melissa Lew
- Other icons from Bootstrap Icons by the Bootstrap authors
- Notification Sound by BeezleFM
- Ping by DrMrSir
Platform-Specific Components
- GTK3 Adwaita (GTK platforms)
- PyGObject GTK (Linux)
- PyObjC Cocoa (Mac)
- Mac toolbar icons from SF Symbols by Apple
- Windows toolbar icons from Segoe Fluent Icons by Microsoft
- Adobe Creative Cloud (various graphics tools)
- JetBrains PyCharm Professional (IDE)
- Poedit (internationalization tool)
- wxFormBuilder (window and form designer)