No-Nonsense Weather – Release Notes

0.9 Series

  • 0.9.7 – August 17, 2022
    • Update Google Analytics code to latest.
  • 0.9.6 – May 26, 2022
    • Bugfix: Compatibility with PHP 8.1.
  • 0.9.5 – February 16, 2021
    • Update the NWS warning zone database.
    • Bugfix: Get the NWS precipitation maps working again.
  • 0.9.4 – October 28, 2017
    • Small adjustments relating to VCS change.
    • Define content type for JSON API (better net citizen).
    • Bugfix: NWS Tropical Storm icon detection broken (again).
    • Bugfix: Fix several issues with location searches.
  • 0.9.3 – July 28, 2017
    • Update frameworks to latest supported versions.
    • Improve location finding for countries that are not in the GeoNames postcode table.
    • Bugfix: Handle Dark Sky API forecasts without visibility values (not available everywhere).
    • Bugfix: Eliminate unnecessary watch/warning checks in places where we don’t support watches/warnings.
    • Bugfix: Improve location import to avoid UTF-8 encoding errors.
    • Bugfix: Fix handling of non-ASCII place names.
    • Bugfix: Improve breaking of long Dark Sky API summaries.
    • Security: Improve security of administrative sessions.
  • 0.9.2 – January 18, 2017
    • Remember map state (position/zoom) between loads of the popup.
    • Improve weather map panning and scrolling behavior.
    • Improve weather map zoom function for U.S. locations.
    • Improve handling of unnecessarily long forecast descriptions.
    • Bugfix: Sometimes reloads with the map open when it shouldn’t.
    • Bugfix: Fix location search for places with more than one word in the name.
    • Bugfix: Fix location search with mixed-case entries.
  • 0.9.1 – September 24, 2016
    • Switch to Dark Sky API (replaces
    • Improved parsing of condition titles.
    • Bugfix: Prevent erroneous map opening on page reload.
    • Bugfix: Tropical Storm and Hurricane Icons Showed as Clear.
    • Bugfix: Correction to location update mechanism.
    • Bugfix: Improve handling when page is open across day boundaries.
  • 0.9.0 – June 27, 2016
    • Added sunrise and sunset times to the forecast details for each day/night.
    • Added forecast discussion and hazardous outlook information for U.S. locations.
    • Added support for as an additional weather source.
    • Improved the wording of some condition descriptions from OpenWeatherMap.
    • Precipitation map can now be ‘maximized’ to fill the entire screen.
    • US precipitation map now shows severe warning outlines (when zoomed in close enough).
    • US precipitation maps can be animated (last ten available frames).
    • Refactored as an Object Oriented PHP application (‘future proofing’).
    • Improved JavaScript and Style Sheet structure, efficiency, and minification.
    • Added support for Android status bar theme color.
    • Added user and API code management system (to support the eventual apps).
    • Improved location and warning zone import tools (can make on-the-fly updates between releases).
    • Support for a public pre-release testing environment (
    • Updated contact form scripts to latest version.
    • Added a 404 error page (which will redirect to the weather page).
    • Bugfix: We will no longer run warning checks when the NWS weather source is disabled.
    • Bugfix: Warning grid will now display correctly in cases with more than five warnings.
    • Bugfix: Check if a warning is expired, and don’t show it in those cases.
    • Bugfix: More reliably handle retrieval (and re-retrieval, if needed) of detailed warning text.
    • Bugfix: NWS changed the wintry mix icon code, so we were showing it as clear (oops!).
    • Bugfix: Will only fire the welcome/tips screen for returning users after a big update.
    • Bugfix: Improved reliability in Microsoft Edge (no more white screen of death).

0.8 Series (BETA)

  • 0.8.9 – January 6, 2016
    • Bugfix: Handle NWS high/low temp reversals (happens sometimes).
    • Security: Repaired a minor vulnerability in the cache system.
  • 0.8.8 – September 29, 2015
    • Update location, postal code, and U.S. warning zone databases.
    • Improve watch and warning formatting, and add data from the NWS ‘instruction’ field.
    • Bugfix: Bring back the U.S. watches and warnings, which got broken at some point.
    • Bugfix: Fix positioning of source overlay in precipitation maps.
    • Bugfix: Fix icons in tropical storm conditions (not sunny anymore!).
    • Bugfix: Improve scroll function when selecting locations.
  • 0.8.7 – July 21, 2015
    • Bugfix: Break up extremely long summary lines from NWS.
    • Bugfix: Fix occasional NWS icon weirdness (e.g., snow for rain).
  • 0.8.6 – July 13, 2015
    • Improved reliability of weather data requests (all providers).
    • Improved current conditions display on tablets and small laptops.
    • Will re-try better sources after 30 minutes when we had to rely on a fallback.
    • More reliable icon selection for NWS weather data.
    • More consistent formatting of NWS watches and warnings.
    • Bugfix: Properly handle bad or missing NWS forecasts.
    • Bugfix: Scroll to top of screen when changing locations on mobile.
  • 0.8.5 – May 17, 2015
    • Force browser cache updates after NNW version updates.
    • Bugfix: Prevent browser from caching outdated precip maps.
    • Bugfix: Improve overlay performance in IE touch.
  • 0.8.4 – May 1, 2015
    • Improved load speeds after city/location searches.
    • Hide notification setting from browsers that don’t support it.
    • Properly handle searches in the “City, ST ZIP” form.
    • Properly handle searches using ZIP+4 (for some reason).
    • Updated location, postal code, and NWS warning zone databases.
    • Bugfix: Restored precip maps (broken by Google API change).
  • 0.8.3 – April 2, 2015
    • Better net citizen; the app now has a sane ‘user agent’ string.
    • Improved analytics and logging.
    • Bugfix: Corrected connectivity issues with NWS sources.
    • Bugfix: ‘Sprinkles’ condition will get the right icon now.
    • Bugfix: Better detection of invalid forecasts.
  • 0.8.2 – March 17, 2015
    • Improvements to site administration tools.
    • Bugfix: ‘breezy’ conditions now get the right icon.
  • 0.8.1 – March 16, 2015
    • Improved location selection and feedback form on mobile devices.
    • Improved credit positioning in precipitation maps.
    • Bugfix: Precip map credits didn’t work right in Chrome.
    • Bugfix: Fix feedback form recipient error.
  • 0.8.0 – March 12, 2015
    • Support for weather all around the world.
    • Redesigned weather radar/precipitation interface.
    • Support for nautical miles and knots.
    • Searching for locations by name is much faster now.
    • New ‘loc’ URL parameter so you can link directly to a location.
    • Improvements to the mobile experience.
    • Formatting improvements in alerts and warnings (U.S. only).
    • Experimental support for watch/warning notifications (U.S. only).
    • Bugfix: Fixed security errors when viewing the precipitation maps.
    • Bugfix: Updates now wait until modal pop-ups are closed.
    • Bugfix: Fixed disappearing toolbars on mobile devices.
    • Bugfix: Reset slider in settings window is more responsive.
    • Bunches of other bug fixes.

0.7 Series (BETA)

  • 0.7.4 – August 31, 2014
    • More general bug fixes.
    • Fix regressions in 0.7.3.
  • 0.7.3 – August 31, 2014
    • General bug fixes
    • Improved performance.
    • Improved toolbars on mobile devices
    • Improved web-app support on mobile devices.
  • 0.7.2 – August 22, 2014
    • Fixed spacing and coloring bugs on the mobile version.
    • Improved maintenance mode admin functions.
    • Improved feedback form reliability.
  • 0.7.1 – August 20, 2014
    • Fixed bugs and errors from initial beta release.
    • Improved administration screen and error logging.
  • 0.7.0 – August 19, 2014
    • Completely re-built as a web-based application.
    • Includes current conditions, seven-day forecasts, and any current warnings and alerts.
    • Weather data sourced from the U.S. National Weather Service. Support for U.S. locations only at this time.
    • Allows users to choose U.S. or metric measurements.

Legacy App (Palm WebOS)

(downloadable from our legacy software archive)

  • 0.6.0 – September 28, 2010 – Updated No-Nonsense Weather for Palm WebOS with Doppler radar and an improved watches and warnings screen.
  • 0.5.0 – May 31, 2010 – Original release of the No-Nonsense Weather application for Palm WebOS.